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Why Does My Dog Make A Clicking Noise When Breathing

Discover why your dog makes a clicking noise when breathing. Understand common causes like collapsed trachea, respiratory infections, and more. Seek veterinary care for proper diagnosis and treatment.

In this article, you will learn why your dog makes a clicking noise when breathing. This is a common concern among dog owners, and understanding the reasons behind it can help put your mind at ease. Let’s explore some possible causes for this clicking sound.

One possible reason for the clicking noise is a condition called collapsed trachea. This occurs when the cartilage rings in the trachea weaken and collapse, causing a narrowed airway. As your dog breathes in and out, the air passing through the narrowed trachea can create a clicking sound. Another possible cause could be an upper respiratory infection or inflammation, which can lead to the accumulation of mucus or fluid in the airways. This can cause a clicking noise as your dog breathes. It’s important to consult your veterinarian to determine the exact cause and appropriate treatment for your dog’s clicking noise when breathing.

Understanding a Clicking Noise in a Dog’s Breathing

Have you ever noticed your beloved furry friend making a clicking noise when they breathe? It’s certainly a cause for concern and can understandably leave you wondering why it’s happening. In this article, we will explore the common causes of clicking noises in a dog’s breathing, as well as when you should seek veterinary care. By understanding these underlying factors, you can better address and alleviate any potential issues your dog may be experiencing.

Why Does My Dog Make A Clicking Noise When Breathing

Common Causes of Clicking Noises

Clicking noises in a dog’s breathing can be attributed to a variety of factors, including respiratory infections, allergies, foreign objects, certain breed characteristics, heart conditions, tracheal collapse, and even dental problems. While it can be difficult to determine the exact cause without the assistance of a veterinarian, familiarizing yourself with these possibilities can guide you towards seeking appropriate care for your furry friend.

Respiratory Infections and Clicking Noises

Respiratory infections are one of the leading causes of clicking noises in a dog’s breathing. Just like humans, dogs can contract upper respiratory infections, which can lead to inflammation and congestion in their airways. The clicking sound often occurs due to the excessive mucus production, which can cause the airway to become partially blocked. If your dog is experiencing other symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, or nasal discharge, it’s important to consult your veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

Allergies and Clicking Noises

Allergies, both seasonal and environmental, can also contribute to clicking noises during a dog’s breathing. Just like humans, dogs can be sensitive to certain allergens such as pollen, dust mites, or certain foods. When an allergic reaction occurs, it can cause inflammation in their airways, leading to the clicking sound. Additionally, allergies can stimulate excessive mucus production, further obstructing the airway and causing the clicking noise. If you suspect that your dog has allergies, your veterinarian can help determine the specific allergen and suggest appropriate management strategies.

Foreign Objects and Clicking Noises

Dogs, especially curious puppies, tend to explore the world around them by putting objects in their mouths. Unfortunately, this behavior can sometimes result in foreign objects becoming lodged in their airway, leading to clicking noises during breathing. Common culprits include small toys, bones, or even grass seeds that can become stuck in the throat or windpipe. If you notice your dog gagging, coughing, or exhibiting signs of distress, it’s crucial to seek immediate veterinary care to prevent further complications and ensure the foreign object is safely removed.

Why Does My Dog Make A Clicking Noise When Breathing

Brachycephalic Breeds and Clicking Noises

Brachycephalic breeds, characterized by their short and pushed-in snouts, are more prone to breathing difficulties and clicking noises. Breeds such as Bulldogs, Pugs, and Boxers often have narrow airways and elongated soft palates, making it harder for air to pass through smoothly. The restricted airflow can result in a clicking or snorting sound, especially during periods of exertion or excitement. While this trait may be common among these breeds, it’s important to monitor your dog’s breathing and seek veterinary advice if the clicking noises worsen or are accompanied by other concerning symptoms.

Heart Conditions and Clicking Noises

In some cases, clicking noises during a dog’s breathing may be a result of an underlying heart condition. Heart murmurs or irregular heartbeats can disrupt the normal flow of blood and create turbulence in the cardiovascular system. This turbulence can extend to the blood vessels supplying the lungs, causing abnormal sounds during respiration. If you observe clicking noises accompanied by coughing, lethargy, or difficulty breathing, it’s crucial to consult your veterinarian for a thorough examination and appropriate diagnostic tests to assess your dog’s heart health.

Tracheal Collapse and Clicking Noises

Tracheal collapse is a condition commonly seen in small dog breeds such as Chihuahuas, Pomeranians, and Yorkshire Terriers. It occurs when the rings of cartilage supporting the trachea weaken, causing the airway to collapse inward during inhalation. This collapse creates a clicking or honking sound when your dog breathes. If you suspect tracheal collapse, it’s important to seek veterinary attention as specific management strategies, such as weight management, the use of a harness instead of a collar, and medication, may be recommended to alleviate the symptoms.

Clicking Noises and Dental Problems

Believe it or not, dental issues can also contribute to clicking noises in a dog’s breathing. Accumulated plaque and dental disease can lead to gum inflammation and infections. If left untreated, these conditions can progress to a point where the infection spreads to the nasal passages or sinuses, causing respiratory symptoms and clicking noises. Maintaining good dental hygiene through regular brushing, dental cleanings, and providing appropriate chew toys can help prevent such issues and promote overall respiratory health.

When to Seek Veterinary Care

While some clicking noises in a dog’s breathing may be benign, it is essential to be attentive to any changes or accompanying symptoms. If your dog’s clicking noises persist, worsen, or are accompanied by coughing, wheezing, difficulty breathing, lethargy, or a change in appetite, it is crucial to seek veterinary care. A thorough examination, diagnostic tests, and potential treatment can help address any underlying issues and improve your dog’s respiratory health and overall well-being.


As a responsible and caring dog owner, it’s natural to be concerned about any unusual noises or behaviors your furry friend may exhibit, especially when it comes to their breathing. Clicking noises during breathing can be a result of various factors, including respiratory infections, allergies, foreign objects, breed characteristics, heart conditions, tracheal collapse, or dental problems. By understanding these potential causes and knowing when to seek veterinary care, you can ensure your dog receives appropriate attention and maintain their respiratory health for years to come. Remember, the best advocate for your dog’s health is you, so listen to their breathing, observe any changes, and seek professional advice when necessary.